Natural and artificial stone

Natural and artificial stone

We supply natural stone for exterior facades, widely used in our country.

Natural and artificial stone

One of the materials that Ferba has been supplying for years is natural stone, a material used for both facades and decorative interiors.

In Ferba you can find all the measurements and thicknesses. You can also find the latest trend models at our exhibition.

We supply natural stone for exterior facades, widely used in our country.

On the other hand, if we want to go faster, we can also use artificial stone in plates of 0.80 x 0.90 meters. In 2 or 3 working days we could make an area of 20 square meters without doing work or dust with a texture as real as the natural one.

This concept of artificial plates gives us the formula to be able to make a concrete wall or other unimaginable!

pedra natural 2
The stone, whether natural or artificial, can be a spectacular decorative accessory.

Natural stone

Artificial stone

The best quality

Get inspired by our selection

There are so many possibilities with natural or artificial stone…